Debtor Tracing.
DebtTrace® offer a fast and efficient debtor tracing service to locate a debtors current address in the UK. The DebtTrace® service has a high success rate at locating a debtors current address in just 7 days.
DebtTrace™ are a specialist debtor tracing agents, who only offer debtor tracing which we do particularly well. Our service can be relied upon for future debtor litigation and enforcement action.
Debtor Financial.
DebtTrace® offer a fast and effective way to establish the assets and financial background of a debtor in the UK. The service will locate past CCJ’s, confirm a current address and home ownership status of the sourced address, telephone and mobile numbers associated to the debtor and any matched email addresses.
This provides the information required to make decisions on debtor litigation worth.
Batch Tracing.
DebtTrace® offer a fast and efficient batch debtor tracing service to locate volumes of debtor’s current addresses in the UK. The DebtTrace® batch tracing service is available for batches of 10+ cases submitted in one batch file.
DebtTrace® are a specialist volume debtor tracing agents who only offer debtor tracing and do it particularly well. Our service can be relied upon for future debtor litigation and enforcement action.
People Tracing.
DebtTrace® offer a fast and efficient people tracing service to locate a person’s current address in the UK or abroad for non debt related matters.
The DebtTrace® service has a good success rate at locating a person’s current address in just 7 days. DebtTrace® are a specialist people tracing agents, who offer people tracing which we do particularly well.
Family Tracing.
DebtTrace® offer a fast and efficient family tracing service to locate a long lost family member or old friend’s current address in the UK or abroad.
The DebtTrace® family tracing service has a 98% success rate at locating a long lost family members current address in just 30 days. DebtTrace® are a specialist family tracing agents, who offer family and friend tracing with fast guaranteed results.
Friend Tracing.
DebtTrace® offer a fast and efficient old friend tracing service to locate an old friend’s current address in the UK or abroad.
The DebtTrace® tracing service has a high success rate at locating a current address in just 7 days. DebtTrace® is a specialist tracing service, who offer old friend tracing with fast guaranteed results.
Tenant Tracing.
DebtTrace® offer a fast and efficient tenant tracing service to locate an ex tenants current address in the UK.. The DebtTrace® tenant tracing service has a high success rate at locating an ex tenants current address in just 7 days.
DebtTrace® are a specialist tenant debtor tracing agents, who offer tenant tracing which we do particularly well.
Pre-Sue Reports.
DebtTrace® offer fast Pre-Sue report & debtor status enquiry service. The DebtTrace® pre-litigation enquiries are a highly accurate way to locate a debtors assets and to discover what liabilities a debtor currently has.
Pre-legal reports are an invaluable tool when looking to enforce a Judgment debt. Typically identifying what assets to levy against and providing the key information required to make decisions on debtor litigation worth.
Beneficiary Tracing
DebtTrace® is a specialist Beneficiary tracing agency that has a dedicated team of people tracers who specialise in locating beneficiaries across the UK.
Our probate tracing service has a good success rate at finding a beneficiaries current address in just 7 days. Our probate tracing company is unrivalled in terms of cost and the fast turnaround of just 7 days
International Tracing
DebtTrace® is a specialist international tracing agency that has a dedicated team of people tracers who specialise in locating people across the World.
Our international tracing service has a good success rate at finding people’s current address in just 30 days. Our international tracing company is unrivalled in terms of cost and the fast turnaround of just 30 days.
Freeholder Tracing
DebtTrace® is a specialist freeholder tracing agency that has a dedicated team of people tracers who specialise in locating freeholders across the UK.
Our freeholder tracing service has a good success rate at finding a freeholders current address in just 7 days. Our freeholder tracing company is unrivalled in terms of cost and the fast turnaround of just 7 days.
Information Search
DebtTrace® is a specialist information tracing agency that has a dedicated team of investigative researchers who specialise in locating information about people in the UK.
This information research service will obtain additional information on any UK based subject of interest. The services are all fee per search and will search all of our resources to produce a match against the subject of the search.
Employment Tracing.
DebtTrace® offer a fast and efficient employment tracing service that will locate any UK based subjects current employment details including the name of the employer and their trading address.
The employment tracing service is normally used by creditors to locate and verify a current workplace to enable an Attachment of Earnings application.
Employer tracing is provided within a financial background report and all contents including the employer information are provided on a if found basis. This service is fee per case with no refund option.
Phone Ownership.
DebtTrace® offer a fast and efficient phone ownership tracing service that will locate the current ownership details of any UK number including landline and mobile numbers registered in the UK. The ownership details will include the full name of the registered owner and their current residential address.
The phone ownership search is usually used to understand who is calling from a specific number for future legal claims for instances such as harassment and fraud.
Datasets are only used where permitted by the supplier and UK data / GDPR compliance requirements. For example Credit Agency data is only used for Debt, Financial claim or Asset reunification purposes. We do not offer family or friend tracing or any other people tracing where consent is required from the subject of the trace. Where tracing an individual falls outside of these uses we would seek to trace the subject of the search using other compliant investigative means including permitted datasets. Any mention of Credit agency use on this website or its individual pages does not indicate that it will be used on any service without the correct validation and authorisation that the case passes the data assessment for its use. To underscore, all cases submitted to us are subject to our data impact assessment prior to processing. As such any submitted case would only use data where permissible by UK Law, GDPR, our internal compliance requirements, passing our internal third party impact assessment and third party data supplier requirements.
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