Find a Debtor.
We make it easy to locate any debtor in the U.K.
No Find, No Fee
⚡Powered by Find UK People®
Trace Debtors.
DebtTrace® provides a 7 day debtor tracing service to locate a debtor on a compliant basis.
Our debtor tracing service is an accurate way to locate a debtors current residential address.
Fast, accurate, and reliable - it’s debtor tracing done right!
👍 Lowest Prices
Rated ‘Excellent’ on ⭐Trustpilot
DebtTrace® offers more 🤝
If we cannot locate your debtor, we will refund you in full.
Premium cases are backed by a Free of Charge retrace.
Premium cases are backed by a 60 day retrace policy.
🤝 No Trace No Fee
The DebtTrace® no trace no fee policy, guarantees, if we cannot confidently supply a current address as shown on UK Credit Agency data then we won’t provide a report and we will refund the fee paid automatically.
🤝 Retracing Guarantee
All Premium cases are backed up by a 60 day retrace policy where if you need further confirmation of a supplied address we will supply a confirmation or revalidation free of charge for up to 60 days from the original order date. All other cases will have a retrace fee applied which can be viewed under the retrace option in our online store.
To keep our initial prices low all Basic & Standard tracing cases will be charged a small administration fee for rechecking a supplied report within 30 days from supply date. Retraces must be requested online via the retrace option in the online shop. Any case that exceeds 30 days will need to reorder a new trace request to validate any new information.
DebtTrace® make tracing easy.
*No trace no fee is subject to our full terms of service, other terms and conditions apply.
So Easy.
✅ 7 Day Results*
✅ Low Prices
✅ Money Back Guarantee*

Our Prices.
DebtTrace® Service Levels
Low cost tracing by DebtTrace®
✅ Fast 7 day results
❌ No retrace policy
❌ No refunds
🛡️If DebtTrace® can't find a verified address or confirm deceased status, we won't charge a fee and will refund you in full within 7 days.
Searches limited data sets with automation
Includes a basic Credit Reference Agency search from a UK credit bureau
This service is reliant on the basis that the subject has updated their address with utility suppliers and credit providers
From £35.99 / per search*
DebtTrace® make tracing easy.
Effective tracing by DebtTrace®
✅ Fast 7 day results
❎ Reduced fee retrace
❌ No refunds
🛡️If DebtTrace® can't find a verified address or confirm deceased status, we won't charge a fee and will refund you in full within 7 days.
Searches limited data sets with automation
Includes a standard Credit Reference Agency search from a UK credit bureau
Will provide the current address where normal financial behaviour at the new address is conducted
From £49.99 / per search*
DebtTrace® make tracing easy.
Premium tracing by DebtTrace®
✅ Fast 7 day results
✅ FREE 60 day retrace
✅ No trace no fee
🛡️If DebtTrace® can't find a verified address or confirm deceased status, we won't charge a fee and will refund you in full within 7 days.
Searches all available data sets with manual in depth investigation with a leading people tracing investigator
Includes advanced Credit Reference Agency searches from multiple UK credit bureaus
Will locate evasive subjects under most circumstances
Utilises the most advanced real time data sets to search and locate your subject
No Trace No Fee
FREE 60 day guarantee to revalidate residency
From £59.99 / per search*
DebtTrace® make tracing easy.
Get Instant Access
🛡️Verified Address or Money Back*
Client Story.
Having a tenant who chose not to pay any rent for 8 months, I needed to locate him after he finally left. Never having done this sort of thing before, I waited a few months and then found DebtTrace®. I was a little bit wary at first as other people tracing companies and Tracing Agents charged up to £150 for what seemed to be the same debtor tracing service.
Filled in the simple form, paid my low fee and within a few hours results came back. Solicitors successfully served papers the next day.
✅ What a Great Service
✅ Highly Recommended
✅ Amazing Low Prices
Review by K Worthington

Let’s Face It.
Debtor Tracing is Outdated!
Many debtor tracing companies take 30 days to produce a report.
Same as Gumshoe 🕵️ circa 1934!
DebtTrace® take just 7 days*
🤫 Most Debtor Tracing cases are wrapped up in just a few hours — but hey, we prefer to deliver results, not hype!
At the beginning of the 20th century, to gumshoe meant "to sneak around," and by 1906, gumshoe became a common nickname for a Private investigator famous for moving stealthily in their quiet rubber-soled shoes.
How we Help.
Debtor Address Search
Debtor Address Tracing
The debtor tracing service will locate a debtors current address through a blend of credit agency data and desktop research data to verify any address link provided by credit agency companies.
This debtor tracing method is the most accurate way to locate a debtor in the U.K. and our tracing team is highly experienced at finding debtors with over 20 years of staff experience in the debt tracing sector. Our current success rate at locating a debtors current address is 98%.
A low cost, fast debtor tracing service.
Why us.
✅ No Trace No Fee*
✅ 7 Day Results*
✅ Lower Prices
Let’s Start it takes just 2 minutes!
Debtor Asset Search
Debtor Address tracing with financial information
The debtor address trace with financial information service will provide the current address of the debtor along with supporting financial information to help with your future debt recovery claim.
The DebtTrace® team will source supporting information, when available
Home ownership details of the traced address
CCJ information for the last 6 years
Insolvency information for the last 6 years
Landline and telephone numbers
Why us.
✅ No Trace No Fee*
✅ 7 Day Results*
✅ Lower Prices
Let’s Start it takes just 2 minutes!

How it Works.
DebtTrace® is an automated debtor tracing service with manual oversight by our highly experienced debtor tracing agents. Our debtor location service offers a fast 7 day service provision.
DebtTrace® is powered by our extensive access to proprietary, open source and multiple U.K. Credit Agency data sets.
DebtTrace® will confirm the current address of a debtor with recent activity data from our reliable Credit Agency searches along with supporting desktop research by our leading tracing agency investigators.
✅ No Trace No Fee
If we cannot locate your subject, after 7 days, we will refund the fee paid in full.
DebtTrace® have an industry leading team of debtor enquiry agents which gives our tracing company an unrivalled 98% success rate at locating a debtors current address.
The DebtTrace® service use a multiverse of layered financial link data which gives us the fastest way to accurately locate a debtors current address.
*See disclaimer for terms
To the uninitiated, debtor tracing is debtor tracing but this is far from the truth. For example some debtor tracing services only rely on Electoral Roll data. This single source method results in a 23% success rate and importantly a high error rate outcome such as an incorrect or historic address.
Other tracing agency companies use one Credit Agency (CRA) to locate a debtor without any supporting data or OSINT investigation, again this results in a far lower success rate.
The intelligent choice is DebtTrace® who blend multiple data sources with manual oversight which can result in up to a 98% debtor tracing success rate*
Our data exists in a multiverse resulting in an error rate that is minimal and a debtor tracing result that can be relied upon.
Frequently Asked Questions.
A debtor tracing service utilising professional tracing agents helps to locate people who owe you money so that your debt collection procedure can proceed Continue reading
We offer all discounts built into the low published pricing, currently we do not offer introductory trial or discount pricing.
DebtTrace® are a specialist automated debtor tracing agent company who provide specialist debtor tracing services and asset and liability information searches. DebtTrace® is a trading style of PDM Ltd Reg. No: 09418751
🛡️Verified Address or Money Back*
If DebtTrace® can not find a current verified address or deceased status confirmation for your debtor we will not charge you a tracing fee. When this does happen we will refund you in full within 7 days. If you receive a refund this is what has happened with your debtor tracing case. Once we supply a debtor case report it is non refundable regardless if subsequently the debtors address is found to be historic or incorrect. DebtTrace® will only supply an address trace report where the U.K. Credit Agencies and our debt tracing investigations show the address to be current at the time of the search but we do not indemnify this debtor tracing data and it is supplied in best of faith without a refund or retrace option, this is how we reduce our initial tracing fees.
We also offer retracing on the following basis
All Premium cases are backed up by a 60 day retrace policy where if you need further confirmation of a supplied address we will supply a confirmation or revalidation free of charge for up to 60 days from the original order date. All other cases will have a retrace fee applied which can be viewed under the retrace option in our online store.
Yes we do, full details on our debtor batch tracing service can be found here
All Premium cases are backed up by a 60 day retrace policy where if you need further confirmation of a supplied address we will supply a confirmation or revalidation free of charge for up to 60 days from the original order date. All other cases will have a retrace fee applied which can be viewed under the retrace option in our online store.
We recommend all debt tracing cases are submitted after 4 weeks of moving date and on that basis 99.9% of debtor tracing cases will show the current not old address of the debtors residence. This is conditional on the debtor being in the U.K. and conducting normal financial behaviour. This behaviour would include but not limited to one of the following situations - paying bills in their name at the new address, informing any creditors of their new address, updating banking or credit providers of their new address directly or indirectly, using a postal redirect service or applying for credit at the new address or being credit active. If your case has supplied an old or disputed address we suggest waiting 4-6 weeks and then instructing a new trace to obtain the current data as shown on major U.K. Credit agencies.
DebtTrace® offer a pre-payment model on all debtor tracing cases but you can setup an account online (Website header - login / account) and load all of your details for future use. Subsequently when you place an order just login and you will have a lighting fast ordering experience, as the DebtTrace™ system will remember all of your details.
Datasets are only used where permitted by the supplier and UK data / GDPR compliance requirements. For example Credit Agency data is only used for Debt, Financial claim or Asset reunification purposes. We do not offer family or friend tracing or any other people tracing where consent is required from the subject of the trace. Where tracing an individual falls outside of these uses we would seek to trace the subject of the search using other compliant investigative means including permitted datasets. Any mention of Credit agency use on this website or its individual pages does not indicate that it will be used on any service without the correct validation and authorisation that the case passes the data assessment for its use. To underscore, all cases submitted to us are subject to our data impact assessment prior to processing. As such any submitted case would only use data where permissible by UK Law, GDPR, our internal compliance requirements, passing our internal third party impact assessment and third party data supplier requirements.
All supplied reports are full and final without retrace or refund guarantee, apart from the premium service trace requests, which are offered with a 60 day FREE retrace guarantee, this guarantee will retrace and revalidate the original information supplied. To confirm no service is offered with a refund guarantee and all cases are supplied in best of faith without refund option. Our service will provide the current address as shown on UK Credit Agencies and supporting data which is an established way to provide an accurate, reliable current address for any UK based subject. This is conditional on the debtor being in the U.K. and conducting normal financial behaviour. This behaviour would include but not limited to one of the following situations - paying bills in their name at the new address, informing any creditors of their new address, updating banking or credit providers of their new address directly or indirectly, using a postal redirect service or applying for credit at the new address or being credit active.
Yes - our debtor tracing service is available on a pay per use basis, so you can use it for just 1 case.
It’s simple - No contracts, no hidden charges, and no setup fees.
Mastercard, Visa, Discover, Diners and American Express. Apple Pay is also supported.
Our service is transactional and we do not offer credit or invoice terms to any client. We accept online payment via Visa, Mastercard or American Express.
This article explains the legal debt collection application process here

We’ll help find your debtors.
DebtTrace® will locate a confirmed current address for any U.K. based debtor in just 7 days.
Be Amazed.
Excellent service
I received an excellent tracing service, which was done really fast and efficiently - thank you.
Would not hesitate to recommend.
— J Coote
Absolutely brilliant
Absolutely brilliant and fast tracing service! Didn’t expect the result back I wanted so quick.
Thank you guys great stuff.
— Chris G
Excellent. Always correct results and a fast and efficient tracing service priced very reasonably.
Another perfect result.
— W Compton
Rated ‘Excellent’ on ⭐Trustpilot

Debtor Tracing, just different.
Learn how DebtTrace® can help
DebtTrace® are highly experienced at debtor tracing.
The DebtTrace® tracing agents are very proficient at locating debtors to current addresses in the UK. Our Team members have been tracing and locating debtors successfully for over two decades.
To put it another way, our Team Leaders have been at the forefront of the Credit Industry since 2001, as such we know what we are doing when it comes to debtor tracing and we do it extremely well.
The DebtTrace® team know how to find debtors fast and accurately, that is a given. We also, uniquely, leverage data by layering it in to a Data Multiverse giving a higher tracing precision rate. The DebtTrace® technology stack is unrivalled in our industry, which gives us some of the highest success rates for tracing debtors in the UK.
As such we have eliminated the chaff.
We do not provide costly customer service or support enquiries about how we trace people.
Instead of charging you more to cover the costs of client enquiries and customer service DebtTrace® have turned debtor tracing on it’s head and offer a 50% discounted price for amazing debtor tracing without the fuss.
DebtTrace® make tracing easy.
DebtTrace® includes a No Trace No Fee Guarantee*
🛡️Verified Address or Money Back*
The DebtTrace® no trace no fee policy, guarantees, if we cannot confidently supply a current address as shown on UK Credit Agency data then we won’t provide a report and we will refund the fee paid automatically.
All Premium cases are backed up by a 60 day retrace policy where if you need further confirmation of a supplied address we will supply a confirmation or revalidation free of charge for up to 60 days from the original order date.
All other cases are charged a retrace fee and backed by a 30 day retrace guarantee. All retraces must be requested in the online shop via the retrace request option.
DebtTrace® make tracing easy.
DebtTrace® includes a FREE 7 day turnaround*
The DebtTrace® service does not charge any extra fee for a fast 7 day turnaround, unlike other Tracing Agents in the UK who can charge over £100 extra for just an enhanced turnaround. This means that you get fast 7 day tracing with DebtTrace® without the premium pricing that other agencies charge.
DebtTrace® charge a simple fixed price for debtor tracing.
*DebtTrace® tracing is completed within 7 days normally and a maximum of 30 days. All timescales are working days which exclude Weekends & Bank holidays.
DebtTrace® make tracing easy.
Just Better, no strings attached
Why Us.
👌 Money Back Guarantee
Credit Agency confirmation of a debtor’s address
No confirmation, full refund applied
👍 Simple, Low Price
Low price per Search*
No extra costs, no contracts

Find People.
So easy to locate people to a current address for non debt related matters.
We can help you find a person and their associated current address in the UK.
✅ Low Prices
Rated ‘Excellent’ on ⭐Trustpilot
Debtor Tracing Made Easy.
✅ Fast & Accurate!
The DebtTrace® debtor tracing service takes just 7 days to locate a debtor’s current address.
✅ Lowest Price, No Strings!
DebtTrace® know you are going to be seriously impressed by our amazing low price debtor tracing service.
With a 98% success rate and a super value price, it is impressive!
Let’s Start your debtor tracing.
Low Prices, no strings attached

So Solved!
Creditors normally don’t realise their debtor has moved address for years! Most think their letters are going unanswered but there is a Bigger Issue!
The debtor has moved address & has not told anyone, hardly surprising, why would they?
There is a simple debtor tracing solution from DebtTrace® to obtain the current address of the debtor.
The likelihood of getting paid if you get the letter to the right address!
You will verify the address to be used is correct and current before issue of LBA (letter before action) and/or Court proceedings, remaining compliant with The Civil Procedure Rules, and Practice Direction on pre-action conduct.
You will save money preventing disputes further along the track where, for instance, a set aside application is made to the court, where the defendant states the incorrect address was used on the CCJ / Default Judgment*
*A defendant can, if a CCJ, and the originating Court paperwork preceding it, was sent to the wrong address or an address that the defendant no longer resides at, it may be possible for them to make an application to the court to set aside the Court Judgment. That can incur substantial further cost and time spent for you.
✅ DebtTrace® Solves
So Solved, no strings attached
Faster Debtor Tracing.
DebtTrace® will find debtors in just 7 days*
Save money with debtor tracing at half the price you would normally pay with other tracing agents.
🤩 Low Prices
So Fast, no strings attached

Batch Tracing.
DebtTrace® offer a fast 7 day batch debtor tracing service for volume debtor files.
Volume debt tracing for 10+ cases
✅ Reliable Batch Tracing
Instant access & no monthly sign up
Debtor Tracing but it’s Easy.
DebtTrace® provides a 7 day debtor location service to find a debtors address.
Our debtor tracing services are an accurate way to track a debtors current UK residential address.
No Trace No Fee*
🛡️Verified Address or Money Back*
DebtTrace® work on a full and final basis on all supplied tracing services
🛡️ Guarantee: A verified current address or you get a full refund*
Disclaimer: A verified current address is defined as an up-to-date residential address for the individual you are tracing, independently confirmed through reliable and reputable data sources — including, but not limited to, credit reference agency databases, electoral roll information, and other compliant and authoritative datasets. Each address provided is professionally checked and validated to ensure both accuracy and recency. The address will represent the most recent known place of residence where the subject is reasonably likely to receive correspondence. If we are unable to locate and verify a current address, a full refund will be issued in line with this guarantee. If a subject is deceased, overseas or other status that makes it impossible for us to locate and trace their UK address then we will still retain the fee. Please note: our decision on whether an address is deemed verified and current is final, and no disputes or appeals will be entered into once a report has been issued.
BY USING THE SITE, YOU AGREE TO THESE TERMS OF USE; IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, DO NOT USE THE SITE. All services on this site are fee per case when our report is supplied via email, with no refund guarantee, although we do offer a retrace guarantee which is free for premium services and fee based for standard and basic services, this enables our industry leading prices. All services are subject to our terms of service and by using this site or purchasing any service on this site you agree to our terms of service in full. All prices exclude VAT which will be added at the end of the checkout process. See our terms of service for full details. Restrictions and other terms apply.
Promotional codes or automatic discounts are valid by our decision to honour a code, once the promotion is ended it is ended and the code is invalid. All promotional codes offer no monetary value and are applicable at our sole discretion. See our terms of service for full details. Restrictions and other terms apply.
Turnaround is 7 days normally during business hours, Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm but can extend up to 30 days for more complex cases - subject to terms.
Price comparison is for guidance only and is as stated an average saving on alternative supplier options.
Search Now.
Find a debtor ⚡Fast
No hidden fee’s or monthly contract