Property Residents

from £99.00

Discover who lives at a property currently or historically. This service will provide all listed residents at a property as confirmed on various data sources including the U.K. Credit Agencies.

This service is a fee per case provision and offers no retrace or refund guarantee.

History of residents:
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Discover who lives at a property currently or historically. This service will provide all listed residents at a property as confirmed on various data sources including the U.K. Credit Agencies.

This service is a fee per case provision and offers no retrace or refund guarantee.

Discover who lives at a property currently or historically. This service will provide all listed residents at a property as confirmed on various data sources including the U.K. Credit Agencies.

This service is a fee per case provision and offers no retrace or refund guarantee.

Service Levels

Current Residents will provide the following information, if available from our searches

  • The current residents of an address as shown on Credit Agency Datasets & supporting data

Historic residents over chosen years will provide the following information, if available from our searches

  • The current residents of an address as shown on Credit Agency Datasets & supporting data

  • The historic residents of the chosen timeline of an address as shown on Credit Agency Datasets & supporting data

Basis of Search

The information upgrades are supplied on an if found basis as each case is unique and the fee is for the search to be performed not the information to be located or not located as the case might be. The fee is only refundable if no current residents are confirmed for the search, to clarify if the residents are verified as current by us i.e. supplied by us, the total fee is due and non-refundable.

The information upgrades if selected is a fee per case regardless of the level of additional information provided.

Cases are normally completed in just 7 days and a maximum of 30 working days.

All prices exclude V.A.T. & are subject to our full terms of service.

Further Information

For the avoidance of doubt, we do not offer to recheck of supplied cases and the reduced tracing fee reflects this level of service provision, we advise you always wait 4 weeks from the moving out date to confidently ensure the data is reflective of the current residency.

We will charge/retain the paid fee for the following circumstances

  • Supply of a list of residents in any quantity

  • Supply of a deceased status with the date of death of the person

All services ordered online will be issued an email receipt with our VAT details.

For further details on our service please read our full terms of service

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